DeprivedChild #Chat Talk

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Csgo Smurfs For those who play csgo... The latest exp system makes my friends who aren't level 3 already quit/waste 50 hours getting to level 3 without comp and doesn't fix the billion existing smurfs. Dust2 I swear has a smurf or two every comp I play. I don't even care about rank anymore but I lost DMG thrice and am on a losing streak on mge. Sure I must have played worse on average since getting netflix my family makes me ping spike to 300 when they use it, but in my last game for example I had a 3 man premade with a 10 hour and two 30 hour accounts who just wnated to deag and ninja every round and I was against a premade of at least 2 with 40 and 60 hours of gameplay who were on massive tryhard/wallhack mode, prefiring smoke and hsing a

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Maple Romance Anime Idea hey all just wondring if u guys thought nexon might consider this but maybe they should make an anime but instead of the black mage as the focus maybe they should make a slice of life romantic comedy with a tinge of drama or something and it might be about the everyday life of adventurers etc in henesys? id realy reallly wanna see some EMPRESSCYGNUSxFANGBLADE action i mean h o t D A M N orchid x lotus would be quite qt too 4 some win cyst eh ;))

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Chronic Procrastinating It's nearly 4 am here in Australia. I have homework given to me from Sunday last week and I procrastinate every day and it's due in a few hours. I've begun maybe the first few question with like 2 hours more work to do and I still can't get started. I sat here in my chair staring at my desk and laptop and other things for the whole day and night, totaling more than 12 hours just procrastinating and did like 5 minutes of pure work. I'm already taking a toll physically and mentally but while I feel stressed can't get the urge to continue. What should I do? I've already skipped doing the homework for like the 5th week in a row due to this recurring problem, I'll be in a lot of trouble if it's the 6th.

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Procrastination and random rage I've always had such a bad procrastination problem. I would procrastinate until there would be like no time to do anything. I know nothing for my history unit because my teacher is too relaxed and we just watch movies in class all day. Not that I'm blaming him completely, I should have learnt stuff myself. My end of year exam is in like 3 hours, I know nothing. I stayed up the whole night just playing tf2, watching YouTube, basically anything but studying. I tried to sleep at 6:30 and after what seemed to be an eternity of tossing and turning, I kinda got a sudden rage, mega punched my bed and just jumped out of bed and turned on tf2 again. Anyone else get angry after not being able to sleep? It's funny, I do

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I failed life so far Getting C's and D's in Yr 10 (sophomore in US unless I'm mistaken), not even hard work yet. Fat 'n ugly, awkward, either hyper and destructive or overly sleepy and lethargic. 1 actual friend in school, 0 I actually know well. Probably going to graduate, IF I somehow buckle up and get into uni, just be that guy that misses everything and doesn't do anything and drop out do to having such a short attention span and for procrastinating until there's no time to do anything. Going to get to 30-40, get depressed, buy a hooker for a night to relieve my bruised ol' D in spite of going against my morals. Maybe get early midlife crisis, but realize it's not actually early because of the health problems. If the apocalypse hasn't o