

DictionarE #Marksman Talk

General Marksman

Changes to the Sniper/Marksman Logged in for the first time about 4-5 days after the first chaos patch and i noticed a few changes to our class 1) Snipe still hits 999k to a single monster, but when i was bossing, i noticed snipe now does 4xsomething-or-other-%dmg (&100%crit) to bosses. <<<I thought that change wasnt till jump? and wat exactly is the damage % of snipe now? 2) Arrow eruption now does 500%damage at max, but the rate at which the skill is executed is much slower- i.e. spamming arrow eruption doesn't 'feel' as fast/efficient as it used to be. Is this expected? Or is it just me that feels arrow eruption executes much slower now? 3) (Strafe now does 180% x4 dmg, and ulti.strafe is buffed, etc. etc.) Sorry if these ch