Dpwarrior30 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Is this headset worth my money? Well I need a new headset for chatting over the playstation with my buddies but I want a good pair. The money I'll be putting on the headset will be no more than $50 (I'm a cheap person :(..) I found this bluetooth one over at bestbuy but I want your guy's opinion on it :+Beach+-+Ear+Force+PBT+Bluetooth+Communicator+for+PlayStation+3/1151503.p?i()d=1218226127729&skuId=1151503&st=ps3%20headset&cp=1&lp=9 (Remove the () from link) Can I find a better one for around the same or less price value? Thanks a bunch :D

General Chat

Basil, I need help with my fail T-T Well today I got LBP2 and it came with a voucher so I can get avatars and in game costumes. As I was peeling the sticker thing so I can get the code, it literally ripped the code from it. The code is suppose to be something like (! ! !) while the only numbers/letters I got from it were (! ? ?). The question mark represents where the the 2 codes that were taken off. Now the sticker thing still has the little piece of paper with the 2 codes but since it was in the middle, I really can't tell what it is. I was wondering if there was anything I can do besides call customer service number they had on the voucher but I doubt they'll do anything. I would post pics if people had an idea of what I can do. Thanks f