DragonzSage #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Does Nexon Hate I/l Mages So I haven't really been playing and keeping up with a lot of the news lately (been playing LoL since I got hacked and waiting for Pirate revamp to give it a try), but I recently saw taht KMS got ANOTHER mage update (really o.0 this is like the 4th one and you only give pirates and thieves one >.>). Anyways, I did a quick search to see what was in the update and saw that Nexon just took a poop, put it in a pie, and shoved it in our (I/L's) faces, to put it nicely. I mean REALLY, only two changes to I/L's while F/P's and Bishops get pumped full of steriods. I swear this game gets worse and worse /rant #butthurt Source:

General Icelightningarchmage

Does Nexon Hate I/l Mages So I haven't really been playing and keeping up with a lot of the news lately (been playing LoL since I got hacked and waiting for Pirate revamp to give it a try), but I recently saw taht KMS got ANOTHER mage update (really o.0 this is like the 4th one and you only give pirates and thieves one >.>). Anyways, I did a quick search to see what was in the update and saw that Nexon just took a poop, put it in a pie, and shoved it in our (I/L's) faces, to put it nicely. I mean REALLY, only two changes to I/L's while F/P's and Bishops get pumped full of steriods. I swear this game gets worse and worse /rant #butthurt Source: