

Duckynater #Chat Talk

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Anyone remember the children's book Frog and Toad? Dude! That book was so touching. I forgot whether it was kindergarten or 1st grade when I read it, but when I did I was crying in class. That book touched me so much. I don't know, the teacher couldn't get words out of me for awhile, I mean they were going to have the perfect picnic but it got so messed up! Then one of them was like "It's ok, I like soggy sandwiches." And they had a picnic and it was just so sad, I'm getting teary eyed just by typing this. I was sharing this with my friends last Friday during lunch and they laughed at me and called me not so choice words, but that doesn't hurt me that much because I expected them to do that. What I want to ask is, it's normal to b

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Dreams can make you sad too So have you guys ever had a dream that was so vivid that it felt real? The dream doesn't need to make sense. Well anyways I had this one vivid dream like 2 years ago, I can still remember the vivid parts very well. I guess the setting was at like a hotel, I was with my family and there was this one red headed chick that I meet, I think we planned to do something together. Well the dream kinda skips over to me just walking on like a train platform. I started to wake up when I heard the train but still didn't see it. When I woke up I was kinda sad that the girl wasn't real and it was only a dream. I've heard that people in our dreams are all people we've seen before so I still hold out hope that maybe this red head

General Chat

Abs for days? So I have a 6-pack but during school I never train my 6-pack hard. Well its almost summer and I decided to train my 6-pack a bit early this year. I train hard on Friday, I train harder on Saturday, should I take a break today or should I push it? Next year I'll be training more often during the school year as I don't have PE next year. And also, my 6-pack is not even. Like its the shape of a 6-pack, but some are bigger than the one next to it, what should I do to even them out? If there is no solution its not a big of deal because it still looks amazing.

General Chat

Film or Psychology So I'm a sophomore and I'm having a hard choice what to take next year, film or psychology. Both class seem fun and about a good amount of my friends will be in both classes. So I guess I should tell you guy what I would like to become later in life. Well I love video games like Halo so I'm looking to find a job in Bungie or 343 Industries maybe as a tester to begin with but slowly move up. I am also considering acting, even though that will be a long process. I know that neither of these jobs will offer much money at the beginning but I'm not here to make money, money will be gone when I'm dead, I'm looking to help make something that people will remember, even if my name isn't in big words just to help would make me fee

General Chat

Anyone like presenting? I do. I love the rush you get before you have to go up and then all of a sudden the feeling goes away as you stand in front of the class like you could do anything and than at the end of the presentation the feeling comes back and your heart is pounding, man that feeling is amazing! I wish I could say the same about roller coasters but my body has gotten use to the G-forces and it's not the same anymore. I'm asking this because I see threads saying how presenting is scary, am I the only one who likes the feeling?

General Chat

Last day of school Well tomorrow's my last day of my sophomore year in high school. Dam I changed so much in two years. In the way I think, the way I speak, but I still keep the way I act; which is being kind and thoughtful. I think I did alright this year. I made fewer friends than I did my freshmen year, but that may be due to the influx of different schools coming together when I was a freshy. But to the friends I have made I made closer bonds to. I think this girl even likes me. I'm not going to worry about it though. I'll just keep it cool, cause I think she knows I like her too. I'll see her over the summer so we'll keep in touch. I've also been getting buffer. I'm still short though, haha, I don't mind. I kinda like being short. I gu

General Chat

Soa on Toonami So Sword Art Online is coming to Toonami. You know, the anime series on Adult swim. Well I'm not a huge anime watcher, but SAO intrigues me. I already watched all the episodes so I'm not going to watch to finish the series. What I want to know is will the revival of SAO bring new episodes? I know there are a couple more arcs in the manga(they're not manga) and wanted to know if SAO becomes popular again will they start to produce new episodes. If so you better all watch it. Edit: I messed up and used the acronym SOA instead of SAO. Go ahead, feel free to laugh a little.

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Open world games With Destiny, Elder Scrolls, and GTA 5 (there are probably more I failed to mention) coming out, it seem like it's going to be a big year for open world games. That being said it feels like these three from like a triad; futuristic Destiny, medieval Elder Scrolls, and present GTA 5. There is also the Oculus Rift, which is rumored to be compatible with some games on the next gen. So when do you guys think games like SAO, basicly virtual reality, will be possible? I'd say 2 more gens after the PS4 and XBox 1 to start, 3 to perfect it.

General Chat

Abs for days So I made a thread a couple of weeks ago about, well instead of me saying it again let me link the former post. Well my abs are starting to even out! I also noticed my chest is increasing in size. Yes sir, I'm sure by the end of the year my abs will be alright. Thanks to everyone that commented on my previous thread. This thread is not a question thread, but more of a thank you and even though I'm not trying to, a show off thread. I guess you can post any inspirational stories on here to keep it going too.

General Chat

How will Bungies Destiny and how Muliplayer will work? Ok I have previously posted this on the official and wanted to know what Basiler's think about Destiny, so I'm just going to copy and paste what I said over here and I'll provide a link at the end. So this is something that I've been thinking about and talking to my buddies about, how will competitive multiplayer work? I'm not sure if I read this right but somewhere in the ViDoc of Destiny there was a menu-like thing and near the bottom it said " Faction Wars ". Now do you guys think that is Destiny's version of MP? What I'm wondering is if MP will cater to the skilled or the cater to the people who played longer? What I'm talking about is if MP will have set guns l

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