

Dunnoenab #Chat Talk

General Chat

How it feels to be a white male As a straight white man I am literally the most sexist, racist, homophobic entity that can possibly exist. I am the standard to which all other discrimination is compared. When I exhale millions of people all over the world die of oppression. I once said hello to a woman and she internalised her misogyny so much that she become a cis man. My gaze turns the Elder Gods into PoC and then oppresses them out of existence (this is why you have never seen Cthulhu). There were too many black people in Game of Thrones so I blinked and in doing so rewrote the universe so they were all slaves. I am the source of the Higgs Boson that gives fat people their shame. I am the alpha male and the omega man. I am the beginning

General Chat

I had a weird experience last night I was only level nine. I loved Maplestory so much. I had all the karma koins and tyrants. I prayed to Nexon every night before i logged off, thanking them for all the exp i have been given. Maplestory is love I say. Maplestory is life. My brother hears me and he calls me a henehoe. I knew he's just jealous; of my devotion to Maplestory. I called him a duper. He slaps me across my head and unplugs the ethernet cable.I'm crying now, and my Ethernet cable is broken. I lay in my chair, and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Emperor Cygnus. I'm so happy! She whispers in my ear: This is my Hall of Honor now. She grabs me with her powerful might and puts me on my han

General Chat

9/11 was an inside job A 767 burns roughly 1 gallon of fuel per second. Let's give one turbine the generous weight of ten thousand pounds. Ten thousand pounds for every gallon per second. There was 200,000 tons of steel, and 2,800,000 lb's of concrete in one WTC tower. Let's be very generous, and cut that in half. That gives us 20 thousand times the mass of a 767 Turbine (counting just half of the steel, and no concrete). Jet fuel has a caloric value of 44MJ per kilogram. A fully loaded 767 holds 3,500 gallons, weighs 10,793 kg's, and is equal to 474,920 megajoules of total caloric energy. 100,000 tons of steel weighs 200,000,000 million pounds, or 90,909,009 Kg's. That's 0.0052241247069364 MJ's of energy per kilogram of steel if the fuel b

General Chat

The typical basiler Basilers are perpetually stuck in their junior year of high school. It's that point where you're finally starting to develop the opinions that will carry with you for the next 10 years, but you're too passionate about them to actually realize that not everything is black and white, and anyone who disagrees with you is obviously an idiot because you're clearly the pinnacle of intelligent critical thinking. In the next decade your passion will start to fade away, but in its stead will be maturity and the realization that not everything can be so summarily reduced to right or wrong, black or white, and specifics and language is equally important and the passion you're exhibiting in defense of your beliefs at age 17. Sure, y