

Ecyz #Site Talk

General Site

Was browsing my Scraps and came across ...this VERY interesting reason for a suspension/warning. This wasn't recent though, it happened in April. Just posting because of how unbelievable it was. " [b]mrbot said (Apr 09, 12:16pm)[/b] [b]Moderator: Your post:[/b] [i]Lalala I haven't checked out your art yet, this is just something I tell people who are new to art; it's not a personal thing.[/i] [i]This is literally a copy+paste from a different post I made, with a couple adjustments.[/i] [quote=Ecyz]Truthfully, I don't think anyone can just plop his/herself down in front of some paper or a tablet and just practice until they're amazing, even if they draw for 72 hours straight. If you start practicing from the get-go without getting a hol