

Elradon #General Talk


So Im consider a Hacker now I was Playing Ice knight for teh ice knight shoes and I was teh Ice knight on my last run for the shoe, i was about 2 hits from dying then I lvl up, gain full hp with 10 seconds left every1 calls me a hacker and i win and after, they all round up teh guildies and friends and now i lost 200 fame...=.=""" EDIT: To get Ice Knight shoes, go to El Nath, talk to shoemaker and win 10 Ice Knight matches EDIT 2:They were spread everywhere, hene, orbis, nath, ludi, ariant, leafre, sector, i teled everywhere and got defamed by their friends and guildies


Idea for New Patch its called Encounters Whats New? -Party Buffs can be cancelled if the Buffer decides a party member does not deserve it(Only for that 1 person) -Anything Item Mega Phoned will now have an auction Bar Where people can place offers instead of that person getting tons of offers via whispers and chats -Every item Now states where that was obtained from, shows in item description and charcter profile(e.g Blue Bone Helm Obtained from Drakes) So no more "Where did you get this?" -Buddy List regular amount has been increased to 35 -50 new quests has been added which gives u various amounts of fame Whats Out? Defame/fame ability has been removed due to abuse Fame can only be obtained from Quests Defame has been removed d

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