

Endurance #Chat Talk

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Oculus Vr sold to Facebook Today Oculus Rift VR technology was "sold" for 2 billion to a social networking website known as Facebook. I am pretty mad about it for a few reasons: 1. Oculus Rift started out as a kickstarter funded project, it had plenty of backers because they made well over $2mill ~ $20mill in funding, not only that they also had every popular CEO from various companies and video games supporting / sponsoring, etc. they stole the money from the backers, and in return left the Oculus Rift "unfinished", selling the company and not meeting the kickstarter requirements (I predict BIG lawsuit) 2. Im a PC enthusiast.. so i HATE consoles. (bought a PS3 the day GTA V came out.. played it once November 2013? and i