

Engage #Chat Talk

General Chat

Nexon is ruining their game so everyone who wants to You can be part of the 99%, be part of the SUPERIOR game since Nexon is ruining this one, by joining ;jsessionid=D305D08294B7F9CEAFA5F14F85BFA03C Join us, we've got Combos, cool classes, better archers, better thieves, Faster paced gameplay, ACTUAL MOVEMENT AND NEW ANIMATION FOR NEW CLASSES, body part movement, smooth animation, Not just a bunch of Sprites covering your wep for an "Attack". More Flashy, better looking, Starts off slow and easy, progressively gets harder but worth it for the skills / job advancements. And MUCH MORE. Join us at LATALE, we'll welcome you with loving arms. The community of 5K+ players is steadily growing, and we're KIND people. I was given 10Million