

EnzoNick #General Talk


Looking for input on my method for 1-100 level-wise [THIS IS NOT A GUIDE.] [THIS IS NOT A GUIDE.] [THIS IS NOT A GUIDE.] 1-30 (Quest lines, not including explorers. I typically just grind from 1-30 simply because options are limited) 30-40 (Fairy Academy, will typically get me to 39. From 39-40 do the first few mushroom kingdom quests to get to level 40) 40-50 (Gold Beach, mildly annoying theme dungeon but gets the job done.) 50-55, sometimes 56 (Rienna Strait, doesn't get you all the way to 60.) 55-60 (LPQ. An excellent way of leveling up, typically from 55-60 two runs will level you up once. Takes some patience, but worth it for sure.) 60-70 (I typically continue to LPQ, but I'm sure there's more effective methods) (Easy mode zak works we

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