

ErvTheMan #Chat Talk

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How can people drink vodka and other womens drinks Last night, wanted to get wasted, but all I had was Grey Goose. I've never drank vodka before, but I thought it couldn't be that bad. Wrong, it's terrible. How can people drink it at all? Beer is delicious, so nice and calm. But vodka just a really strong flavor, and they add cherry which doesn't help at all. Tried to mix it with coke, didn't help. Really bad tasting stuff. I've had whiskey,rum,brandy,etc , and none of them tasted as terrible and unbearable as vodka. How can you vodka drinkers do it? Ill stick to beer.

General Chat

How to get this girl? I've known this girl for 10 years now. We have a long past. Over the years we've grown a liking to eachother farther then friendship. We both know we want to be with eachother. Just whenever one of us trys to get with the other, she starts ignoring me for long periods of times. Awhile back, the first time we made out. She made the move, not me. She sat on my lap and we started making out for like a good 30minutes. And after that, I thought I left on a good note, but she didn't talk to me until like 3 months after. I talked to her about it and she said she was being stupid, and it wont happen again. Fast forward a year and a couple months to halloween. I came to her house with my little sister, and we started talking. S

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Girl coming onto me has Bf Okay, well this girl I know. She has had this boyfriend for like 2 years ish now. The dude is really nerdy, and a band geek type thing. She isn't anything like that so for one I don't even see why they are together. I mean the guy is a geek. Now I've known her for awhile, and she comes onto me alot, things like making out and such. Im not going to lie, she is HOT. Anyways, so lately she has been talking about getting it on with me you know. Sex. I just don't know what to do. I really don't wanna do it because she has a boyfriend and I wouldn't want that to happen to me. However she is so HOT. What should I do Basil?

General Chat

Would you date a pregnant girl? It's something that came up at work, and I have been interested on everybodys responses and reasons about it lately. Okay let's say you met this pregnant girl, and you're single. The babies daddy ditched her, doesn't want anything to do with the baby. You really like her, but she is currently pregnant. Would you put that aside, and still be with her, or what. Personally, I think I would put it aside. I think when you can put that aside, it shows that you like them, for them. Not their looks or so. And I personally don't mind helping people who I care about out financially if it came to that. What about you guys?

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