

Estbtnh #Chat Talk

General Chat

Wow The Ps Vita is very underrated I usually hate handheld games because there isn't a whole lot of content. But they were able to pack the whole Borderlands 2 console version + DLC on the Vita! and it plays pretty smooth with some slight hiccups once in a great while. Other developers are taking advantage of the Vita as well. Ragnarok Odyssey Ace has everything the original game had PLUS 2x more content and bosses/enemys this time around. Amazing titles just around the corner as well. All the Vita is really missing are analog buttons. Any Vita owners here?

General Chat

SSBB your online exp Just wanted to know if anybody's SSBB online matches run perfectly smooth with no delay's/lag? last time I attempted to play online was just terrible.. you hit one button and it respond's like half a second later =/.. although I was using the Nintendo wi-fi USB connector. Anyway's I got a wi-fi router recently in hope's that Brawl would run pretty good online.. but I figured I would ask basil this question before I go out and buy a Wii again. Thx in Adv for any info!

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