

ExoBishops #Merch Talk

General Merch

Merching with 100m So... Ive been selling scrolls for days and days and finally reached 100m! :3 So, im thinking of merching... Ive been browsing the fm for a long time and im familiar with prices but i have NO IDEA prices of these items that sell well. Like if i put my EOF for 3m each, it takes some time to sell it. But if i sell it for 2m each, it sells pretty quick. Also, i was able to squeeze about 2m profit from 13m chaos scroll :3 I dont think this is how you merch... spend 13m to earn 2m profit :3 And if im browsing the fm, i cant find good deals its either sold or i cant find it at all!(Ex:i scan fm and find 15m chaos scrolls everywhere~ and cant find cheaper scrolls) Please help me be a nice merchant. P.S: I joined a merchant guild