FaTaLP3NGU1N #Chat Talk

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What do you think happened I'm bored so I'm just gonna make a useless thread :D So a few seconds ago, I heard a car drive by on my street. Then I heard a cracking noise before an extremely loud cat meow. The meow was at the same timing as the cracking noise and was as loud as a house alarm. The first meow only lasted around three seconds. A few seconds later, I heard a second meow. It was slightly longer than the first one but was significantly softer. And then I heard a third meow. This time, it was a slight bit louder than the second one but only lasted around half as long. So... what do you think happened? Be creative guys...

General Chat

Common grammar mistakes that piss me off No, I'm not talking about mistakes on BasilMarket only. "Could've" is "Could have", not "could of". "It's" is not to be confused with "Its". "It's" is short for "It is" or "It has". "Its" is a possessive pronoun. "Your" and "You're" "There" and "Their" "She and I", not "Me and her" I get the feeling that people are reading fewer books than before since most of these grammatical errors do not exist in speech, but exist in written text.

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