

Feeling #Aran Talk

General Aran

How to solo Vl Well a lot of people have been asking me how to do this, so I decided I'd make a video to show you guys. No edits done to the video at all, other than speed it up 2x, because it was almost 8 minutes long... But yeah, this is a typical run, I'll briefly explain what I do. VL is actually more simple than most people think. My main tactic is to kill anything and everything he summons as quickly as possible. If he summons boars, kill them as fast as you can, so you can hit as many golems as possible when he summons them, and of course kill the golems as fast as possible so he can't eat them to recover HP. When he uses potential lock, I right click on my drain and kill myself, or hope that he uses damage reflect, so I can die inst

General Aran

The new Aran Damage Ranges Thread! [header]No one post in this thread anymore! I will be locking it because my thread is now stickied. Look over to the left and you'll see the stickied Aran Damage Ranges thread.[/header] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/MapleStory-Guide-Aran-Damage-Ranges-405.html]Link to stickied thread. Please post in this one.[/url] Hello, and welcome everybody! As most of us know, the old Aran Damage Ranges thread is pretty much dead :(. But that's why I'm here. :D The purpose of threads like these are to compare your range with other people of the same level, to see where you stand. This thread is in no means a contest to see who has the highest range, and I certainly hope it does not make people feel bad about their ra

General Aran

In-Depth Aran Pvp Guide Hello and welcome, fellow Arans! I am here to guide and mold all of you Arans into better PvPers! :D I'll start from the very beginning, and the guide will end with the more complex stuff, such as different methods of attacking, how to make use of the different maps, etc. [b]Warning, wall of text ahead. This guide is not for lighthearted pvpers.[/b] [header]Other PVP Guides.[/header] Arans aren't for you? Well here are some other PVP guides written by your fellow Basilers. :) [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2347853]F/P Guide.[/url] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2297637]Shadower Guide.[/url] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2314296]Dual-Blader Guide.[/url] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/23432

General Aran

4th job section of the New Aran Damage Ranges thread [header]Introduction[/header] Hello everyone (again). Some people already know why I'm making another thread, but for those of you who don't, I'll tell you why. [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/1824661/43#comments_list]The current thread[/url] seems to have an issue where I can no longer add any more ranges because the thread is full. Since Mr. Basil hasn't / isn't doing anything about it, I really have no choice but to make another thread for the 4th job ranges so I can add the other ranges to my current thread. This thread is only temporary until something is done about it where I can put all ranges into one thread, which I'm sure we'd all prefer. [header]Rules[/header] You must su

General Aran

Our damage range thread? Well, most of us that browse the Aran forum know that the current stickied Aran Damage Ranges thread is pretty much dead. The author is inactive and never updates, and because of that no one ever posts new ranges. (Including me) So, I was wondering if on the behalf of all of us here, if you guys would like me to make a new Aran Damage range thread? I will be very on-top of the thread, updating it at least once a day, usually more. I will also use all the damage ranges in the old thread. (That actually work.) Please post if you think it's a good idea, and/or want me to do this. Thank you! :)

General Aran

After the Chaos Patch Hello everyone. I've been thinking lately about the Chaos Patch, and what will come of it. I hear everywhere that Arans will now dominate, the only class that is on-par or better than us would be a Dual Blader. But, after this patch we will have new options of attacking at Lionheart Castle. Will simply spamming Overswing lead us to be in the top attacking classes at LHC? Or will a new string of attacks; Rolling Spin until you get 100 combos and then using Combo Judgement, lead to more overall DPM? I really can't decide so I thought I would ask all of you which you think is better. To check the skill changes, [url=http://spadow.wordpress.com/2010/11/17/kmst-v353-the-reorganization-update-has-arrived/]click here[/url] an

General Aran

Maple Leaf Council - Aran Hey everyone, I've been chosen to represent Arans in the MLC. As such, I'd like to hear thoughts and concerns from the community about our class. What are your major concerns? What issues should I bring up? Are you satisfied with the direction Nexon is taking our class? These are the types of questions I want to ask and bring up within the council. In light of the recent KMS update, are you satisfied with the changes? Were you hoping for anything else, or something entirely different? Please let me know your thoughts and opinions, everybody's is important, and it's my job to make sure we're heard and listened to. :) EDIT: The most sought after change seems to be the re-addition of the OS+FB+BB combo, and I complete