

Feeling #Demonslayer Talk

General Demonslayer

What have you accomplished on your Demon Slayer today? Well, since no one has made one of these yet, and Demon Slayers will be released very soon, I thought I should make one. Every subforum needs one of these. :] Since Demon Slayers aren't even out yet, we can post what he have prepared / how excited we are. ;D I'll start. Today I'll start making my Demon Slayer's Agares Bloody Headsplitter, looking for 1H axe GM scrolls, and reserved his IGN. I'm fairly excited. Now it's your turn! Post what you have prepared, and once they're released, start posting your accomplishments!

General Demonslayer

Skill Dpm Question So, when hitting cap with both Demon Impact and Carrion Breath, Carrion is obviously much higher DPM because of how fast it is, but the problem is that its % damage is fairly low. I'm wondering, at what point is using Carrion Breath better DPM than spamming Demon Impact? When you hit 700k per line? 800k? Obviously DI is better for burst damage at places like Vellum, or attacking Empress while waiting for her DR to go on. For pure spamming purposes, how high would one have to hit with Carrion to be stronger than Impact? Thanks! :D