FlameChocobo #Ems Talk

General Ems

Does Ems have Neo City and/or Future Tokyo? I'm going to have to ask a question in order to confirm. I'm not an EMS version player (I live in the North America, and I'm not here to ask for a Proxy or VPN.) I want to know. Ever since Neo City got released in GMS, I got utterly disappointed in to the fact that the World Tour areas will be removed. ThailandMS also has Neo City, but got shut down like BrazilMS and VietnamMS. I was blaming the fans for demanding that Future Tokyo has to be out even though we don't have Kaede Castle for the reason why Neo City got released, but after watching RetroReplay's review of Sonic 2006, it's just as good as hounding the fans for rushing Sega assuming that this game was going to be the 16th anniversary. Se