Fornication #Chat Talk

General Chat

Prom Thread Prom season, lot's of threads, let's leave the questions here... I'm a senior, mine passed already... Share info, tips, w/e. My question for all you guys though is : How much was it and where was yours? Mine was $100 and it was at the [url=]Biltmore Hotel[/url] Tips: [b]If you're a senior, GO TO YOUR PROM.Nothing screams antisocial more than avoiding Prom...[/b] [b] Dress Nice! but be sure to be able to underdress (A nice coat is cool, but when your dancing you will want to take it your shirt better look good too[/b] [b]Nice pair of really comfortable shoes is a

General Chat

Asians and DDR So today I was at the arcade with some friends. When I see theres some guy at the DDR machine so I'm all like "hmm I wanna see how good this dude is..." This guy was beasting it up. He was playing like on the hardest level I guess and he got ALL OF THEM. And he would occasionally turn around and do it. And you know how the arcade ones have that bar thingy in the back? Well the music paused kind off so he gets behind it then jumps over and the music starts as he lands so he hits the < > one lol it was hilarious. Like this guy would try to actually dance. So then 3 songs in, some OTHER Asian guy comes, watches him then challenges him. So they where both just playing DDR getting everything. So Asians, WHY DO YOU

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