

Fwibz #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Is my dmg ok? I know the quality in the video is bad but can you please tell me if my dmg is good or now? It is a solo against pap I'm a noob at basil so just copy and paste link plz Just in case you can't read the stats on my equips, here they are: 27% dex +18 att blackcloak 10% dex +15 att spec goggles 166 att bowguns (it has a terrible pot atm) 13% dex earrings 12% dex belt fws gloves +15 att/ +18 dex fws overall +2 att/ +31 dex (clean) fws hat +1 att/ +27 dex (clean) 8% dex arrows 2 MoNs +12 att/ +10 att

General Bowman

Is my dmg ok? I know the quality in the video is bad but can you please tell me if my dmg is good or now? It is a solo against pap I'm a noob at basil so just copy and paste link plz Just in case you can't read the stats on my equips, here they are: 27% dex +18 att blackcloak 10% dex +15 att spec goggles 166 att bowguns (it has a terrible pot atm) 13% dex earrings 12% dex belt fws gloves +15 att/ +18 dex fws overall +2 att/ +31 dex (clean) fws hat +1 att/ +27 dex (clean) 8% dex arrows 2 MoNs +12 att/ +10 att