GlobalKorean #Thief Talk

General Thief

Whats so bad about Night Walkers? Hey guys, just been wondering about something for a while now. Why do people dislike Night Walkers when it comes to comparing them with Night Lords? Am I missing something vital between the two? I've heard people say that NW's are easier to hit cap due to them being a Cygnus rather than an Explorer but with that said, why are people still attracted to going Night Lords over Night Walkers? [Couldnt make a poll due to the fact that I already made one for another thread :3] EDIT: Would it be worth psoking my gear off my DB to go as a NW or just open job adv to a NL? In terms of cost its a no brainer but whats everyone elses opinion?

General Thief

Training and Range I know the title is very vague so ill explain better here :) Im currently playing as a DB with roughly 20k range at lv136 without any major equipments, however my main question is how much should i expect my range to be with a full clean cRA, solid/reinforced gollux and a tyrant set. Would I do more damage as a different thief class like Night Lords or Shadowers? another thing.. I know i can switch classes as an explorer adventurer but if i do change from a DB to something else and if I change back to a DB later in future, do i have to re-buy my mastery books?