

GnaRcotics #General Talk


Nexon ignores ban tickets Hello Basil community, I am here to rant because I believe nexon is an extremely dumb company. My false ban is not what upsets me but the time that it happened. I really want to play kanna and the ban has obviously made this impossible. This ban has also greatly inconvenienced my in game time along with my friends and my guild... :| On to the title: I have sent 3 tickets into maple. My first 1 being a calm ban ticket asking for them to revise the ban. The second one is not a ban ticket but a ticket which I labeled a disconnection error and I wrote about my account not be able to log in. The third one is once again a ban ticket, where I could not hold my temper in as much. GUESS WHAT? Nexon answers my DC ticket in 8

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