GodOfSparks #Mage Talk

General Mage

How could a level 65 wizard F/p upgrade? Hi, i am level 65 with 36 base LUK, with my equips i have... 77 LUK. Should i put more in LUK to wear better potentiel equips? (My last equip would be the level 88 black oriental robe if i turn low-luk) I only have 220m to fund this char and 10-20 cubes to use. (i know not alot) My potentiel equips are: Glitter glove, 3lines Gaia cape, 2lines Yellow snowshoes, 2lines Earrings( forgot name) 2lines. My equips kinda suck and my magic is 446.... if u need more imformation to know how to help me, just ask and ill anwser you. Btw, What is better? Cubing something to have LUk or Scroll equips to have LUK?