

Gravity88 #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Skills for Night Lords Have any of you other night-lords realized how boring our skill set is? I think once you max triple throw, it all goes downhill... maple warrior- other classes are supposed to provide this. Shadow shifter- Not saying it's bad, just not exciting. Whoo it missed... Ninja ambush- Thinking practical, would you really even use this when training? Shadow claw- It's useful, however it doesn't really do anything interesting. Especially when the boss just de-buffs you it's a soul arrow taking up a fourth job skill slot Venom- It's been nurfed sense BB, now it deals a lowly % of our damage. Ninja Storm- Sense BB we can be standing on top of the monster and not punch, so whats the point? Taunt- I hear this isn't even used when t