

Gridmonkey #Mage Talk

General Mage

Dont particularly like making threads like this, but *Don't Changing my colour scheme from pure Reverse blue to Empress red/black and aiming for a small upgrade in the process, so selling some old equips. Have been having real issues finding any kind of reasonable sounding price check on the following 2 items though: - 18INT, 11LUK, 8Matk, 15%INT, 3L Unique Blue Neli Shoes. Enhanced once, unhammered. - 6LUK, 3DEX, 18%INT, 3L Unique Blue Giles Cape. Enhanced once, unhammered. What would be considered a good offer for these items? The cape has had an offer of 2b on it, but I'm not sure about it since I see other mainstat 18% items get much higher offers than that and no amount of "lolINT, mages suck" seems to account for what is alm

General Mage

The Hp of Magicians [url=]Original thread in the I/L forum[/url], credit to original OP I felt this thread would be relevant to all adventurer magicians and Evans so brought it out here. So, reveal (i.e. post) your adventurer mage's/Evan's HP! (Battle Mages, gloat all you want :l) Quoting myself from the other thread to contribute: [quote=Gridmonkey]6532 unbuffed, 8321 with decent HB. That is with level 43 Willpower (+800 HP), 11 AP in HP (probably equates to about 60-70 HP lol), +1144 static HP off equips and +35%HP off CHTP/Czak/Empress 3set bonus. Without any bonuses that equates to something like 2.8k HP base at level 200 :l[/quote]