

Gridmonkey #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

P/C Shadower sale Since BB, I haven't really played my Shadower at all past messing around with its shiny new skills (even then it was kind of murrh). After further consideration, the upgrades kind of took what I was used to and liked about my Shadower away (god-like avoid is now merely good avoid, training movement is almost solely dependant on FJ rather than Assaulter, I would have preferred them increasing the skill %s by 1.5x rather than giving us SP) and gave me more damage to compensate, which turns out no matter how much I wanted BB pre-BB for that reason, wasn't what I truly wanted in my character. Also turns out I've always been a huge magician hoe at heart regardless of what game I play, something about mages I don't get off any o