

Gridmonkey #Thief Talk

General Thief

Price check on assorted Thief items. ...and a cape more suited for bowmen. Still, not sure where else to ask. This game is an absolute travesty of its former self these days and I no longer know what anything is worth. Apparently my 154ATT Dkanzir is only worth 3.5b which seems absurd for what is supposed to be a "perfect" weapon. So, all this garbage will be up for sale as soon as I can get an average price on it. May I have a comprehensive price check on the following equips: - 154ATT Epic 3L 6%Damage/3%Att hammered, enhanced once Dragon Kanzir. - 32ATT Epic 3L 6%LUK hammered Dragon Khanjar. - 10ATT Unique 3L 6%LUK/3%All hammered Lv90 Thief gloves. - 3STR/7DEX/3LUK 6%LUK Epic 3L Red Rex's. - 6STR/2DEX 9%DEX/6%LUK/3%All Giles cap