

HIkari #Kaiser Talk

General Kaiser

Which should I replace for 6 piece empress? so right now im looking to either replace my hat, shoulder and/or my cape to get a 6 piece empress for the bossing set. problem is, i can only buy clean ones because of my lack of money. currently i have 4 pieces. need either shoulder/cape, shoulder/hat, hat/cape, hat/shoulder combo. my current hat shoulder and cape are: kaivasurnet hat 9% str, elite heliseum cape 24 all stat 12 att with 6% all stat pot, and tempest shoulders 6% str. should i just stick with my 4 piece empress for now? also question number two. is it possible to get two lines of %boss damage on unique pot? i know its possible with legendary pot but im wondering for unique

General Kaiser

2 lines of boss damage? first of all i would like to ask if the kaiser emblem is an armor equip or weapon equip potential. like for ex, can it have the same potential as a weapon, or will it have potential as if it is armor? second, id like to know if i am able to get 2 lines of boss damage on UNIQUE potential weapons, provide links if able. im still skeptical about it now that legendary potential came out and i havent seen a unique pot item with 2 lines of boss damage since then