

HateSpirit #Anime Talk

General Anime

Basilmarket Movie Night [b]We are watching Children Who Chase Lost Voices, starting at 2:10 BT[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When: Friday, June 6. Starts at approximately [b]24 BT[/b] (within a few minutes)* Where: *Come a little earlier to decide on the movie We'll be watching a movie or short series. Come join if you'd like to. A specific title has not been decided yet, and will be decided upon vote. Preferably one that no one has watched already. Note that the quality may not be that great, and there will be no playback [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2817922](sorry I cannot afford this for you)[/url] Possible choices: [url=http://myanimelist.net/anime/10178/Otona_Joshi_no_Anime_Time]O