

HipPop #Chat Talk

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Back2School Tips Thread Lets share your secret school tips and tricks and life hacks -middle school, high school, college and university, in preparation for the upcoming (or if you already started school, das kewl2) I'll start off: - If you don't feel like studying, tell yourself to study for 20 minutes, and chances are, you'll be studying for much longer. - If there is spare time, try to work/study ahead. This will give you time ahead, and works as a good spare when emergencies come up. - Skipping every now and then is fine, but avoid making it a habit, especially the earlier classes. - If there is somebody you like, DO NOT be afraid to tell them. For guys: Its about creating the perfect situation to confess your true feelings. Ask the gir

General Chat

Little things you do but you dont realize it. Everyday, we do many things, and we don't realize it! The average human does over 900,000 movements a day, and its hard to keep track of them all! So think about what you did today, and post ONE thing you did, but you didn't really think about it when you were doing it! (OMG INCEPTION SENTENCE) For a icebreaker, I'll start first. I turned on the shower this morning, and while I was waiting for the shower to warm up, I made faces at the mirror before going in. Now its your turn.

General Chat

What to wear inside a trench coat Hi, I have recently bought a trench coat that looks like [url=http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=trench+coat+men&hl=en&sa=X&nord=1&biw=1920&bih=1075&tbm=isch&tbnid=gWlS6a6YLJdQjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/350126351-Men-s-Trench-Coat-2010-South-Korea-inspired-design-Windbreaker-asymmetrical-collar-double-breasted-trench-coat-wholesalers.html&docid=BU0JG_DluzNGgM&imgurl=http://img.alibaba.com/wsphoto/v0/339729998/Male-Fashion-Trench-Coat-Black-Grey-leisure-jacket-coat-Men-s-Slim-NEW-Men-s-Slim.jpg&w=600&h=811&ei=rFoOT8qFC5CRgQepie3XAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=966&vpy=150&dur=1149&hovh=261&hovw=193&tx=118&ty=129&

General Chat

Free glasses for Canadians ClearlyContacts is giving away glasses (for free) FOR CANADIANS, for non-Canadians Just select from a variety of frames then choose your eye measurements. Usually, the glasses are free, and shipping is $15 dollars, but this weekend shipping is free, therefore you get FREE glasses. I got 4 pairs this way ^_^ It is possible to get more than one glasses, just sign up with a different account, use a different email, and the same mailing address. THIS IS NOT A SCAM! CC makes money from people upgrading lenses and frames, adding coatings and such (which can add up to a hefty cost). They are losing profit for each glasses sold, but the upgrades are the real profits there. This business strategy is called Loss Leader. for

General Chat

Free glasses for Canadians ClearlyContacts is giving away glasses (for free) FOR CANADIANS, for non-Canadians Just select from a variety of frames then choose your eye measurements. Usually, the glasses are free, and shipping is $15 dollars, but this weekend shipping is free, therefore you get FREE glasses. I got 4 pairs this way ^_^ It is possible to get more than one glasses, just sign up with a different account, use a different email, and the same mailing address. THIS IS NOT A SCAM! CC makes money from people upgrading lenses and frames, adding coatings and such (which can add up to a hefty cost). They are losing profit for each glasses sold, but the upgrades are the real profits there. This business strategy is called Loss Leader. for