

Hishotodo #Evan Talk

General Evan

Keyboard Setup on your Evan? [url=http://gyazo.com/3f862614bad981a5032a3391d5548ee5.png?1356417598]This is mine. A few skills/pots seem like they're out of place because I don't use them often, only for certain situations.[/url] (If you're wondering how my fingers work on this: Pinky on Left ctrl Ring Finger on Alt, move to Z if needed. Middle Finger on X, move it to C if needed. Index Finger on Space. I should change that to Phantom Imprint, since it also applies normal attack effects as far as I know (It can break boxes.)) Post yours if you want. I like seeing how people set up their keyboard.

General Evan

What can I do to boost my range? So, here are my equips: [url=http://gyazo.com/12a21340e1e53c1f39a6e3ba045d2316.png]Weapon[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/d63cec953939d0f239f904e808d5264a.png]Hat[/url](Definitely needs to be fixed up) [url=http://gyazo.com/2d2b50195393268ef7c182ff12ff05a2.png]Overall[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/23fbb034f2b44c84e1c327b21a52e27f.png]Gloves[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/68919c77244e5855a269b7336baae91d.png]Shoes[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/e25dfd4980ea0c4ca348e8cb03afdf98.png]Shield[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/910e1b6e93161ad81f2470e3285beac3.png]Cape[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/a33db456dfd3a5e6ceaaf082d22bb8aa.png]Belt[/url] [url=http://gyazo.com/46f7e6ed1aa5234cad10d447f5ace1fc.png]Pendant[/url] [url=http://gyazo.

General Evan

If Evans ever get revamped I personally think it should look a little like this: Class Multiplier increased from 1.00 to 1.25 Reason: 1.0 multiplier is old and outdated, and it's very noticeable. [b]No growth(Beginner):[/b] [i]-Moved: Dragon Blink[/i] [b]Level 1(max):[/b] Same function as current Dragon Blink, but in Beginner with an instant point put into it from level 1. Reason: Both Luminous and Kanna have either very similar or the same exact thing, so why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Growths 1 - 4 are unchanged.[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]5th Growth:[/b] [i]Removed:Magic Shield[/i] [b]New: Soul Drain (Master level 10)[/b] Level 1 - 1% chance to drain 2% of your MAX HP/MP on attack. Level 10 - 10% chance to drain 20% of your MAX HP/MP on attack. Reason