

HitThings #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

Legendary Dragon Kreda or Timeless Pescas? So, I'm working my way towards 9 GM Dagger Att scrolls atm, and I was wondering which (from the title) would be better to perfect? I have a 9% Total Damage Kreda (Epic, 3-lines) on me right now, but I have a feeling that the Pescas would be better in the long run. The problem is, I have terrible luck with Cubes, and getting a 3-lined Epic/Unique Pescas would probably cost me more trouble than it's worth.. Which do you guys think I should scroll? :3

General Shadower

Slow Bandit buff casting time? Is it just me, or does anybody else feel the casting times for our new (or changed) buffs slowed down significantly? Haste, Meso Guard, and Channel Karma in particular. It seems our slowest skills before the Revamp (Shadow Partner, Maple Warrior) are faster than these skills. Buffing during boss runs is more time consuming, not to mention more dangerous now. inb4 buff on ropes. Not all areas have a nice rope or ladder to hang on :C Also, as it turns out, Bodyguards and Gramps were fixed today. Rebuffing during Bodyguard A was NOT fun.