

HoboDeity #Chat Talk

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How do people still believe in science after taking classes I just finished up a summer course in physics, I passed but only because I told the instructor what they wanted to hear. About 75% of the labs never worked, when they didn't work we would just throw around a bunch of equations on paper. I mean after all of these experiments fail these 'scientists' and their disciples still believe in science. This whole thing has left me disillusioned, I just wanted a career in science but after learning how much of a crapshoot it is I think I'm just gonna become a philosophy major.

General Chat

Who names these hurricanes? Does the media really expect me to be scared of a hurricane named Sandy when I hear Sandy I think: or If they are going to name a hurricane they might as well name it something that will instill fear in the masses like Bertha, Ursula, or Voldemort. Hurricane Sandy could have been Hurricane Sauron. If hurricanes were given scarier names everybody wins, the population is more scared they buy more stuff in preparation and companies capitalize on it thus helping the economy.

General Chat

Being gay is old news It's recently come to my attention that supporting the homosexual community is no longer edgy, progressive, or exciting anymore since everyone is starting to accept them for who they are and stuff. I'm not saying I won't continue supporting the homosexuals but I won' make it a point to anymore since supporting gay rights is like beating a dead horse at this point. I need something new and edgier to support that many people take as morally and ethically wrong but nothing too extreme.

General Chat

My little Atheist Sciene is Magic One day Princess Carl Sagan sent a scientific letter to its most wonderful student Neckbeard Sparkle. Princess Carl Sagan wanted to teach NeckBeard sparkle the magic of science. So it sent him to argue with Christians on internet websites, and to preach the magic of science to ignorant Christians on the street., and took a false interest in science and showed it off to all of his friends to prove his superiority. Neckbeard Sparkle went on this valiant mission and completed it. Princess Carl Sagan sent another scientific magic note to Neckbeard sparkle, it read My loveliest most scientific, and magical student Neckbeard Sparkle You have truly learned that Science is Magic From Princess Carl Sagan That day Ne

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