

HolyMythos #General Talk


Should I be worried? I recently bought $20 worth of NX through my debit card. Since you can only buy with either a $10 or $30 transaction, I bought $10 twice within five minutes (after the 3 minute wait between purchases). My card got charged $10 twice, which is correct, and I received 20,000NX. However, after a day or two, one of the $10 purchases got removed from my card and I received the money back. I never got the rest of the NX taken away (which was already spent). So basically I paid $10 for $20 worth of NX. I've heard of people getting banned for NX fraud, do you think this could happen to me? It's been about a week and I still haven't been recharged the extra $10, nor have I received any word from Nexon about it or gotten $10 worth