HorrorsLove #Chat Talk

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How can I help someone who is hurting them self? The person is a great person who has helped my family for ages, but as we get older we mature and notice new things, Thats what happened to me. I moved back in with this part of my family at the age of 15. Once I saw him again I noticed the reality of it. I already assumed he might be an alcoholic because he was always so red like alcoholics are, but one time I asked him something dumb, I forget why, it was a holiday I think like mothers day or something. I asked if he was getting anything special for his wife or kids or something. I said Oh wow I always assumed you had kids. He then said He did have kids, a lot of them, all the people who come to his grocery store, (I was having my stuff bag

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A trolls true feelings So I'm not trolling when I say this, I am truly looking for answers. I have 0 access to therapy, and I need to fix myself. The school counselor I was seeing told me that my problems come from my mom being crap, and my father the same. She tells me I see women and assume they will be like my mother so I fend off, and throw myself into a mental position to stop me from getting close to them. What I do is I develop feelings for them quickly, then make myself come off too strong so that my chances are none, despite how sad it makes me, I keep doing it and I can't help it. It blows. I wan't to fix this. I just truly don't know how. :( Why am I asking Basil? Because Basil has some of the most honest and hurtful people in so

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