

ISmileI #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Hp problem Not sure if I'm the only one facing this problem, but am I the only one that has a ridiculously low amount of HP on my Nightlord? I was wondering if there are any ways for me to raise my max hp without using NX or lots of mesos? Currently level 188 and my max hp is 8754 and the decent HB I have on my pants is what barely keeps me alive (10971 with dHB). Training is extremely difficult for me due to monsters at HoH kill me in 2-3 hits (maybe 1-2 not sure), Invasion PQ boss kills me in 1 hit, and it makes leveling a lot harder than it needs to be :/ I have Czak, red rex earring, and kaiser skill link and I still feel that I'm severely lacking in HP...

General Nightlord

Am I doing something wrong? I know I make a lot of threads and it might be annoying for some of you guys, but please bear with me :( I'm somewhat lost ever since coming back to Maple... I know Nightlords aren't the best damage class out there, but when I see lower level Nightlords deal more damage than me, it's pretty sad and puts my motivation down to an abyss.... I thought my gears are above average seeing as I have a slight over 100% luk. I have a 60k range fully buffed, but clearly it's not enough :/.. I have a perfectly scrolled lampion (103 wa) with +12 att 9% total damage. I don't understand how other Nightlords out damage me by so much :(... Maybe I'm just running into the really funded ones... ~.~... I'm level 186 no empress gear,