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smart math people of basil i need your help what is the formula 100[(1+r/100)^n-1] used for? I'm stupid dont judge plz ty godbless xoxoxoxo ps i googled it, nothing edit: i asked my teacher this question: __Consider an investment of $10,000 at 8% p.a. simple interest over 5 years. Use a trial-and-error method to find an equivalent rate of compound interest over the same period__ and he gave me the formula above^^ I kinda derped when he was explaining it so yeah lollollolololl. Can someone here explain it to me pls? but in the simplest way cause i have a primitive brain. edit 2: the answer is __If we assume that interest is compounded annually, an equivalent return of R= 7% would be achieved__


My new outlook on my Maple Life Since making my previous thread, I have had an epiphany. I realized spending time on women's right was getting me no where. All the effort and time devoted to feminism felt like it was being wasted, that my true purpose was for something else. Then I realized why God gave me life, it was for America. America, the superpower, the nation leading in almost all fields; technology, sciences, obesity, agriculture etc.. America is the best country in the world, this is a fact full stop. But is America really that appreciated in MapleStory? The answer is no. Does every player have to say the Oath of Allegiance? No. Does every player have to know the words to 'The Star Spangled Banner'? No. Is there an Obama NPC? No.

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