

Icemage222 #Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Advice on last upgrade Since there is nothing left for me to do in this game and my goal was to always try and hit max damage on my bowmaster i've decided to put 200$ into a final upgrade. I will sell the nx for 1:60 so I will have 12bil to spend and just need some advice on what I can actually get. I have a pretty good idea of the prices i'm looking at but not 100% sure. :D Hat:7% dex empress hat-thinking about 15% dex + czak or empress which is probably 1.5-2bil Eye: 4% dex super summer goggles - Looking for a 8%+ dex 24att+ mask, not sure on price Overall: 3 line legendary 15% all 2% dex neb 24 dex 110 overall (might upgrade to top and bottom since I have 14 att pants) Cape:5 att republican balloon, sold my 7% dex cape- looking to get a