

Ichigeki #General Talk


Black Cipher Lag Ban So the lag from the Black Cipher caused one of my accounts to get banned. Not my main account, thank goodness, but one that I have a couple mules on for my crafting storage needs. This is a little disturbing, as now I don't want to go on my accounts, for they may get banned as well. (This was not a short term ban, this was an actual "You were hacking so you're banned" Ban) All caused by Black Cipher. This is ridiculous. I sent in a ticket, and now am waiting for a reply (which probably will never come). NEXON NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE BLACK CIPHER.


Sky Pq how long did it take you? To get your weapon. I'm a warrior, and not just any warrior, an aran, thereby I can only use 1 weapon; the polearm. Well, being a warrior i get the warrior box, and there are 8 different weapons a warrior can get; Spear, Polearm, 1h sword, 2h sword, 1h axe, 2h axe, 1h blunt weapon and 2h blunt weapon. I currently have the 2h sword (weird name), 2 Bellum Spears, the 1h axe (which looks like a VIP 1h axe) and the 1h sword. I still haven't gotten the polearm yet, but this gets me to thinking... What if Nexon released a way that we could trade our unwanted and unusable weapons like this (even from other kinds of PQs) to an NPC, where we can trade 2 unwanted weapons for 1 that we do want... I know you mages out t


Missed Pzak by a couple seconds This ever happened to you? You're sitting comfortably at home, then you get a call telling you you have to do something. You tell yourself you have time, go do it, then come back home with time to spare, say 5 minutes. you set up your laptop, you still have 3 minutes left! No rush. You get online, log into maple, click play... But wait... It's not loading? C'mon loader, load! And as the clock hits 8:25, the music comes up and you see the nexon logo. A fitting ending. They just love to laugh at us. What was the most ridiculous way you missed an important event?


Problems with Hot Time Nexon has always had trouble with this version of hot time. They switched to the new version where you can log in anytime during the day to reduce stress on servers, because this hot time does stress them out. Everyone who is anyone on maplestory who knows about hot time and has the ability to log in is logged in at this time, and thus, chaos ensues. This time it is more severe because of the fact that their servers are rather sickly to begin with, as I am certain they didn't fix all their problems in that last patch; it took them over 24 hours after all. People who are having troubles with the hot time items should be mad; this was compensation for our loss when it came to a 24 hour downtime. Nexon should have though


Fusion Anvil Effects? Okay, so this thing is new, and I have to say it was a pretty good idea... But I have a question. Say I used the anvil on one of my lionheart items, would the secondary lionheart item effect still take place? Like say I made the helmet look like a Skullcap, while I'm wearing all other pieces of the set, would it count as all 6, or would the secondary effect vanish completely? Then second, can spears and polearms be overlaid. As in could I make a polearm look like a spear, but still function as a polearm? This is probably a stupid question, and I'm 99% sure it's a no, but it would be awesome if they could cause the spears look a lot cooler than a lot of the polearms...

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