

ImBlue1562 #Angelicbuster Talk

General Angelicbuster

I hope its not true Hello guys, As you might know, they keep saying the cap with Empress will be 5m and the cap with Fafnir will be 10m. Do you think this will affect our fellow Nova Idol? If it does, it's going to be worse than the 50m removing our special feature of surpassing the damage cap. At least some skills actually benefit from the 50m cap. Roar can be improved to 50m, but reduced to 10m? no please. Trinity also, seeker is going to be the same. Ribbon will now do 1/10th of its original damage. Also, Nexon, why do you think [b]everyone[/b] will get a Fafnir weapon just to do 9 million more damage? Some people can't even afford empress... Share your thoughts about this.