

ImpulsZ #General Talk


Commerci Dragon Wow, I can't kill it in time with my Hayato I'm a little bit slower then the timer almost matching it. </3 Damn, Hayato is fun annoying as heck to fund! My range is 170-218k with normal buffs that last longer then 10-30sec. No williow dodge count on range. Shinsoku hits above 1m per line everytime. Op buffs like hyperskills and Angelic link 1 skill gets me to 240-306k. I remember if I have all my buffs and the 5 count for willow dodge my range gets to 400k+ which is like never. Boss % I got 110 and PDR is 53%. Should I recube my katana for Boss % or try to get more att? Besides my katana, gloves, and cape everything is clean with the Amaterasu set except with str % potential. My funding is average. Let me know if you guys


Diligence Trait? Could Use Some Enlightenment So I just made a thread recently and found out that the diligence trait doesn't work with special scrolls. I have 100 20% renegade scrolls saved up. Just waiting to get to 100 on my diligence at 67 right now. So does this mean the diligence trait doesn't work with any scrolls you get from an event. The scrolls you get from event are they consider special? The original scrolls are 10/30/60/70 but what if there from an event but have the same percent, are they still consider special? I know that potential and aee are consider special. But what about chaos, tablets, and etc. I'm still going to wait until I get to 100 on my diligence unless someone can actually present actual facts that having 100 d


Super Cubes On Sale Not Worth It Like the title says it's not worth it. It sounds to good to be true and it is. They may have put the cubes on sale but they must have also lower the percentage. I went through 44 cubes and I couldn't even get from epic to unique. Maybe I have bad luck but still 44 cubes and still nothing to me that tells me something is not right. From my past experience with cubing. The most it took me to get an item from epic to unique was 20 cubes. I'm guessing there's different percentage for higher level equips, maybe. I'm cubing a loveless 2 handed sword by the way. Must be because of the tax being raised and they try to make some quick cash or something. I bet if I used the regular cubes, I would of gotten unique at l

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