

ImpulsZ #Kaiser Talk

General Kaiser

Kaiser Underated I know Kaiser been out for awhile, but it's like I don't hear or see anything about Kaiser bossing. I'm a Kaiser fan and still am because it was my first class to 200. You got your Angelic Buster, Xenon, Eunwol, and etc taking down Hard Magnus but where is Kasier at with the RED patch? I would think he be like the best bossing class in my opinion. Compare to what I've know he has the best skill set for bossing. Like I'm reading around and like I see that 2mil per gigas wave is godly? I understand that raising your damage to the amount is very hard and expensive because I'm trying to get to that point. But I see a xenon do like 20mil+ with his laser thing for each line on Hard Magnus. I tried to find recent videos of Kaisers

General Kaiser

Making the Best 2 Handed Sword I can Afford So what kind of 2 handed sword are you guys gonna be using when Kaiser comes out? I want to get my hand on a Loveless Nibleheim, but that's to expensive to get. Which boss drops that anyways? I never bossed before ever. Well them big boss like pink bean, horntail, etc. :~( So I'm settling for a VIP 2 handed sword clean, at least it's tradeable that's a plus. :D Gonna do some scrolling with the 20% scrolls I got with the event from awhile ago. I got 100 of them saved up and just waiting for my diligence to get to 100 before I start scrolling but that's gonna be next year. I'm at 67 right now. If everything goes right next year the stats are... wpn att 165 str 23 dex 19 int 15 luk 15 acc 75 Gonna Tr