

InHerArms #Chat Talk

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Stress fracture in Crus. I'm a soldier in the IDF air-force and currently am in a course of a tracking dog trainer, it contains much physical effort with lots of running of long distances and shorter distances with heavy gear. I've had a pain in the Crus starting proximally a month ago, went to the doc and he gave me 2 weeks of resting (No physical work at all) since those 2 weeks passed I've been feeling better but now the pain's back and I know that if I'd go to the doctor he'd give me a couple more weeks of resting and that would get me kicked out of the course, I need to know how to put the least amount of effort on my foot and still be able to run 4 miles and carry weight.

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Joining the freaking army I live where you have to recruiut.. otherwise you'd be completely socialy outcasted and most likely could also go to jail unless you lie good and or really have a reason not to join the army. Thing is I wanna join, I don't know if it's my mind being effect by the society of which I live in but I want to join I want to support my country as long as I live in it (Which hopefully isn't for long), I owe my country a favor and I suppose this is my way to pay it off.. but I don't think I'm ready.. I'm a gaming adict, I sleep, eat, and play. Other than hang out with my friends I do nothing but play video games and the army isn't exactly the best place to do so, luckily I will not be a fighter since I'm not mentally capabl

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Solitude is my middle name This is going to be me, fully open since I've had a deep connection with this forum even though I haven't been active in it for a good couple of years. In a way it's a vent of mine, but if I'll get even one good advice out of it I'll be psyched. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm a 22 man, [url=]not "HOT DAYUM!" sexy, not ugly[/url] it's been a year since I finished my mandatory service in the military, ever since I've been traveling across country, had two trips abroad, got a [url=]wicked[/url] tattoo worked a couple of months and mostly enjoyed my free time as a free man. The thing that describes m

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Meet Kango the tracking dog I'm a soldier in the IDF Air-force. My job's to protect the base by operating with a tracking dog, when the outer fence alarms of a possible intruder a team of a driver, commander, myself and my tracking dog gets to the area and looks for any possible signs on the fence that indicate an intruder has entered the base, if necessary I take the dog out and start a scan with the dog so he could locate, identify and chase after the scent of the intruder. That was just a short FYI :P here's my dog If anyone has any question about what I'm doing, the IDF or anything else I'd love answering ^^

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Improving my self-confidence So I'm in a course in the army, (training a tracking dog for base defense) and my greatest problem right now is a lack of self-confidence, I have 3 weeks to work on it other-wise they'd most likely let me go which is something I greatly fear. In the next two weeks I'm gonna be in a different base of where I'm usually at which is a base where I'm gonna get my rifle, and the discipline there is much higher than what I'm use to, anyway I need some tips to get my confidence boosted so if you have anything to offer I'd indeed be grateful.

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Laptop for 1.5k I'm intrested in a laptop (please not a one for build I want a ready model since it's not an order it's a personal pick-up) that goes for the maximum price of 1.5k. The laptop is gonna be for watching movies, TV-series' and most importantly games (FPS, RTS, RPG) I don't want no Macs nor do I wish to buy an Alienware laptop. If any of you wanna help and need some guidance on what I'm looking for in a laptop here it is: 6+GB RAM DDR3+ Intel Core i7 Processor 1+GB Video memory No overheating 1080p 15" min 4+ Hours battery life Not a neccesity but I'd love having it: HDMI port Backlight keyboard Don't try convincing me about Alienware and macs simply cause it'd be 100% futile, I've looked into alienware and it's a sexy sick

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