

Istalkxu #Demonavenger Talk

General Demonavenger

Demon Avenger vs Demon Slayer? Hellooooo, So after realizing that Nexon no longer has any love for a full on punching class, I have decided to create a warrior! I remember having lots of fun on a demon slayer a long time ago but I also recall them being underwhelming in their potential/bossing/overall damage. I general like a bossing class and found that demon avenger would be a great class as they are cheap with %hp and look pretty fun. However, it still occurs to me that demon slayers look much more fun and regardless of their damage, I would still make one if I can enjoy it. So my question is, in terms of both damage and fun(fun taking priority over damage), which class should I pick, Demon Avenger or Demon Slayer? More specifically, cou