

JLive #Fun Talk

General Fun

Free Dota 2 Keysno lie So i have 4 or 5 dota 2 keys and nobody to give them too. I dont play that much anyway, but thats irrelevant. I just need people to give it to, so either pm me or email or add yoyomanyo300 on steam. I have work so if i dont get to it right away then i will later on in the day. Or you can just post your steam here and ill bookmark this thread so when i come back i can check the thread to see. (i never used pm machine on basil so posting it in the thread if youre okay with that would be better) Also completely irrelevant, but after seeing the maplestory unleashed trailer and the update notes i got interested in maple again. Are there any new worlds i can start fresh in, is any new world coming out? Thanks in advance if