

Jampysos #Ms2 Talk

General Ms2

Why Maplestory2 will succeed Other than sharing the name of one of the forefathers of MMO gaming, combining the unique gameplay aspects of wildly popular games like Maplestory, Minecraft, and Diablo 3, and displaying amazing user customization and UGC possibilities while only just leaving alpha. I can very easily see Maplestory2 being a hit and bringing all sorts of new users to the Nexon servers. If I could have one wish I would remove Nexon from this entire equation, but that isn't possible... *single tear* :( But of course when change peeks its head their are always the sticklers who despise change and opportunity. These sticklers manifest on Basil in the form of trolls, haters, and pessimists. Sorta like my Khaini homeboy Blues AKA Mr.