

Jedi #General Talk


Ask a Noob Questions WARNING - Yes it's another memory thread and if you don't like it, you can leave and don't have to waste your time reading this! I'm doing this because I haven't played Maple in 2 years and I've started since v14. I feel like it's a good way to bring back some memories. Good or bad memories, they are priceless. You know, from getting scam to getting rich. From getting poor to becoming a pro. So much memories were put into Maple and I feel like it's dying really quick due to the fact that most PQ's are gone, training is way easier, everyone is stronger, and I want to remember what it was like back in the old days.. Anyways... Now Imagine yourself back when you first started Maplestory. Leave a comment or question that so


Good Luck or Bad Luck Anyways... I had a scrolled 228 att fafnir whip blade. On the day Star Force released, I wanted to SF my whip blade to make it godlier, but realized that I have be a certain level to use SF. Anyways... the biggest mistake I regret doing was transferring my whip blade to my Lumi via storage and then realizing the fact that it was "Untradable after transaction." Well... anyways. I didn't have NX so I couldn't get a karma and I decided to try to boom my fafnir with a few % rate of destruction to transfer it's soul onto another tradable fafnir. That way, I could transfer it back. I didn't expect it to hit 15 stars with only 2 fails. Now it's untradable on my Lumi with 15 stars 289 ATT. ..... Just wanted to share

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