

Jedi #Merch Talk

General Merch

MapleStory Merchanting Guide Bb **Hello Basilers! Today, I will be revealing my ways of merchanting and making mesos from my experience and how I did it. :D Hopefully, this guide will be the guide for you! Last Updated : JANUARY 29, 2015 A little background info about me** : __I started MS since version 14 when Windia was released. I played Scania and started merchanting around v20's and never done anything other than merchanting since then. I lost my account and quitted. I restarted MS 2 years later in v146. I am showing you how I made my money as a returner and how I achieve from about 100 million mesos to 1 trillion mesos.__ Why am I revealing my secrets and ways into profiting / merchanting? Because I don't play MS anymore and I want to