

JjwyH #Anime Talk

General Anime

Melee oriented Gundam? I am playing SD Gundam G Generation Overworld, and oh boy, there is a hell lots of Gundams out there! o.o I really like melee oriented Gundam, mostly for the ones who use swords / daggers! <3 So...which Gundam actually use melee as their main fighting technique? :/ I have Unicorn Gundam, Gundam Exia with 7 swords (I don't like 00 Raiser or 00 Qan, their Trans-Am shoots laser </3 ), Impulse Gundam and Hyzenthlay-Rah II Gundam in my mind, and they are pretty much the only Gundam I've collected so far. :D The Gundam list goes from G Gundam until Gunpla Builders (or Gundam Age, I can only select up to Gundam Age when selecting my Master pilot but not Gunpla Builders, but Gunpla Builders pilot exist in the game), so