

JjwyH #Art Talk

General Art

Which hair is better? Drawing I'm sorry if both of these are in incomplete form, but I'm kind of curious about which hair you'll prefer more? To be more specific, I'm not worried about the hairstyle, but the details and the way the hair drawn. It'll be [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LjTEWXOPHfI/TzM9J_02xEI/AAAAAAAAADo/0DNg1zDOBPU/s1600/001.jpg]first one[/url]? Or the [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9y2Ag2JO3IY/TzM9Ol-c3OI/AAAAAAAAADw/v6n01SlLq30/s1600/002.jpg]second one[/url]? All drawn by pencils and mechanical pencils, no edit at all. Take a zoom to see more clearly. My bad if it looks bad :/ Note : The second one I only completed the right side of the hair. Edit : Any suggestions on how to improve them to look more realistic will be much

General Art

How is my shading? I don't know whether if it is good or bad, so I need some opinions. And your constructive advice is needed and appreciated since it is someone special I want to give the best for her. [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LjTEWXOPHfI/TzM9J_02xEI/AAAAAAAAADo/0DNg1zDOBPU/s1600/001.jpg]Before some shading[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0l7uIoKfzn0/T4exr0VJKZI/AAAAAAAAAEI/58JLhAaG4TQ/s1600/001.jpg]After some shading[/url] [url=http://jjwyh.opendrive.com/files/49037034_cjMuX/%E6%89%AB%E6%8F%8F0001.jpg]The old shading[/url]

General Art

How is my shading? I don't know whether if it is good or bad, so I need some opinions. And your constructive advice is needed and appreciated since it is someone special I want to give the best for her. [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LjTEWXOPHfI/TzM9J_02xEI/AAAAAAAAADo/0DNg1zDOBPU/s1600/001.jpg]Before some shading[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0l7uIoKfzn0/T4exr0VJKZI/AAAAAAAAAEI/58JLhAaG4TQ/s1600/001.jpg]After some shading[/url] [url=http://jjwyh.opendrive.com/files/49037034_cjMuX/%E6%89%AB%E6%8F%8F0001.jpg]The old shading[/url]

General Art

So my friend asked me to design a Lolita Well, that's because he need samples and such (?), to participate some fashion design competition thingy, that's what he said anyway. So yeah, being a friend, I "designed" something like [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/130/1/f/quick_design_and_sketch_by_iroaseta-d4z9w02.jpg]this[/url]. When I handed him this, he didn't say anything but just took it, he didn't even say if it's nice or what-not lol. I guess he's busy with his own design, so I might ask Basilers here how does it look? A rating will be nice, with a full marks of 10. It's my first attempt to draw a cloth without copying though. I did take some picture as reference, since Idk what is a Lolita before that. :3

General Art

So my friend asked me to design a Lolita Well, that's because he need samples and such (?), to participate some fashion design competition thingy, that's what he said anyway. So yeah, being a friend, I "designed" something like [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/130/1/f/quick_design_and_sketch_by_iroaseta-d4z9w02.jpg]this[/url]. When I handed him this, he didn't say anything but just took it, he didn't even say if it's nice or what-not lol. I guess he's busy with his own design, so I might ask Basilers here how does it look? A rating will be nice, with a full marks of 10. It's my first attempt to draw a cloth without copying though. I did take some picture as reference, since Idk what is a Lolita before that. :3

General Art

What can you find in a beach? Status : Offline I'm drawing something related to Summer, and Summer always remind me of beach. And I'm kind of interested to add a detailed background in it. So, I want to ask, what are the things you can find in beach? Natural or artificial, both are just fine, as long as I have the room to fill it in anyway. So far, I have these in minds -Starfish -Shells -Coconut Tree & it's fruit or seed or whatever it called (Depends, since it's so freaking big) -Crab (Lorang & Clang, actually...) -Sand -Sea -Sea wave -Boat -Surfboard -Ice Cream -Bikini -Umbrella -Chair...that's odd in a middle of beach imo -Blanket -Picnic Basket -Hot sun -Hot girls -Sunlight! -Footprints -Muscular Hot Guys (I'm terribly bad at m

General Art

What can you find in a beach? Status : Offline I'm drawing something related to Summer, and Summer always remind me of beach. And I'm kind of interested to add a detailed background in it. So, I want to ask, what are the things you can find in beach? Natural or artificial, both are just fine, as long as I have the room to fill it in anyway. So far, I have these in minds -Starfish -Shells -Coconut Tree & it's fruit or seed or whatever it called (Depends, since it's so freaking big) -Crab (Lorang & Clang, actually...) -Sand -Sea -Sea wave -Boat -Surfboard -Ice Cream -Bikini -Umbrella -Chair...that's odd in a middle of beach imo -Blanket -Picnic Basket -Hot sun -Hot girls -Sunlight! -Footprints -Muscular Hot Guys (I'm terribly bad at m

General Art

Taking one request. I want to draw a female, with wings that have actual feathers. I don't care others. but Long hair if possible. I won't draw any male though, coz I am suck with it, sorry guys :( Example? Erm, I will draw the right one for the avatar picked but not emo featured. And it was a drawing that I done several months ago so it might have a few improvement in my new drawing >.< I can't gurantee if you like or hate it but, I will try my best :) And it will be finished around one or two weeks due to my privacy concerns, I just draw it to fill the free time.

General Art

What class you like to see to sit on World End Chair? I find that chair is awesome, but I want a class that's worth to sit on it. I had MM with his/her Frost Prey, or a Cannoneer in my mind, but Shadower with Shadow partner, or Hero with his sword doesn't sounds bad either. To make this short, I'll choose the class with most vote, so please comment it down. I'll count the vote when it reached 20~30 comments. Feel free to imagine how the class will sit on it, with summons, skills, buffs or w/e to make it awesome. Thanks in advance. :)

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